Customer Testimonials

Alternative healing therapies in Livingston

Are you looking for alternative healing therapies in Livingston and the surrounding areas? Our experienced team at Acupuncture Right can help. We have a wide range of authentic Chinese therapies that can help you feel calm and relaxed. Call us now on 01506 416 304 to schedule an appointment. Also, check out what our happy customers have to say about our services.

Customer testimonials

5 Stars

Highly recommend

Li Huang brought me back to life. After suffering from severe and sudden onset of back pain. Doctors answer was strong pain medication and being signed off work. However after one session with Li I was completely medication free and after 3 sessions was pain free. Would highly recommend. Couldn’t thank her enough.

MoniqueS-17   05 April 2021

5 Stars

Recommended Acupuncturist

I would highly recommend Li Huang’s Chinese Medical Centre my daughter suffers from headaches regularly, after 3 sessions she no longer has these. We will continue with treat one session each month.
We were always kept up to date by Li Huang really pleased with the outcome.

Kenny    05 December 2020

Choose from a wide range of alternative healing therapies at Acupuncture Right in Livingston. For a free quote, call us on 
01506 416 304 or 07737 811 013.
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